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NOW ON-DEMAND: Video Premiere with Q&A Aftershow

Watch the recorded showing of the live video premiere, and glean insights from the expert panel Q&A session.

WATCH ON-DEMAND* (*chat is not live in the recorded session)

Goodbye Greenwashing™: Biodegradability

Welcome to Goodbye Greenwashing™, a video series that takes a deep dive into sustainability claims. In our latest episode, we explore the intricate world of biodegradability and guide you on how to make truthful and impactful claims without falling into the trap of greenwashing.

Key Takeaways:

  • What is Biodegradability? Understand the science behind how substances break down naturally over time.
  • Importance of Biodegradability: Learn why choosing biodegradable ingredients is crucial for environmental health.
  • Avoiding Greenwashing: Discover the seven sins of greenwashing and how to avoid them.
  • Testing Methods: Gain insights into OECD testing methods for validating biodegradable claims.
"Choosing biodegradable ingredients is really important to avoid potential toxicity. There are many ingredient categories in our industry that are either not biodegradable and can be made biodegradable, or there are already biodegradable alternatives to those materials." - Audrey Wesson
Tuesday, August 6th 2024 @ 9:30AM EDT

Want More?

Watch Inolex’s first ever BeautyFood™ Edu-Series, Goodbye Greenwashing™. This 3-part series explores the wellness and transparency trends and their impact on natural claims, certification bodies, and ways to formulate more naturally without sacrificing performance - in easily digestible bites.


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