Historical use of the cannabis plant can be traced back to 8000 BCE. Now, the world is becoming aware its benefits beyond the medical uses it is best known for. The cannabis plant is an eco-friendly alternative in many industries. It is common practice to use all parts of a plant when it is grown for industrial purposes. For example, we use the seeds of the species Cannabis sativa to make an innovative multi-benefit conditioning agent.
Sustainability Benefits

Hemp produces about 305 kg of oil per hectare per year

This is an inherently non-water intensive crop

Naturally resistant to fungi, insects, and diseases allowing a lower use of herbicides and pesticides

Growing cannabis is good for soil health - it promotes detoxification and prevents soil erosion
Cannabis Product Portfolio
ProCondition™ Sativa
Cannabis-Derived Sustainable Conditioning- Sustainable quat alternative
- Biobased cationic conditioning
- Replacement for CTAC or SAPDMA
- Green chemistry designed
Cannabis is a genus of plants within the Cannabacae family. One such species in this genus is Cannabis sativa and within that species there are different varieties. The variety that is typically grown for industrial purposes is commonly known as hemp. The variety that is typically grown for medicinal and recreational purposes is commonly known as marijuana.
When INOLEX is referring to the feedstock used for ingredients, we may use the terms cannabis, hemp, and Cannabis sativa interchangeably. The genus name is Cannabis, the species name is Cannabis sativa, and the variety common name is hemp.
The industrial variety, commonly called “hemp”, contains cannabidiol (CBD) content and minimal tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content in its leaves, stems, and flowers. It contains no THC and only trace amounts of CBD in its seeds. The medical variety, commonly called “marijuana”, contains THC content and minimal CBD content.
No, this product is derived from the seed of the hemp plant which has 0% THC by nature. THC is not reported in the specification because there is no possibility of existence in the product.